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   Consumers Win

Prepay gives customers what they want: visibility + control over their consumption.

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A Customer In Control Is A Happier Customer

Before PrePay, everything was backward.

Customers didn't know how much they used or how much they owed until it was too late. Variable rates and metrics made it impossible to understand the impact of everyday decisions on consumption.

The bill told the story in stark black and white - "pay this amount, by this date, or else."

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PrePay Changes Everything

Customers can now see the effect of their usage in real-time, not a month later when the bill comes.

They can set thresholds and budget – receiving real-time alerts when they are using too much or are reaching their limit. It expands their options around where and how often they can “refill” their account.

Want to refill every week on payday? No problem. Want to pay on your smartphone or at your local grocery store? Easy.

Pre-Pay Changes Everything
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Pre-Pay Is For Everyone

PrePay Is For Everyone

It’s a great solution for anyone who wants to take responsibility and control over their consumption.

It’s for people who love feedback, love to keep score on how they are spending their money and our natural resources. It’s for smart, budget-conscious consumers that want to make the most of their hard-earned dollars.

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PrePay Is Convenient

Limited “Token” recharge technologies and locations were inconvenient for consumers.

PayGo offers more advanced payment solutions. It’s neither environmentally efficient nor economical for consumers to be “forced” to leave their home to recharge. Whether it’s a mobile payment, an IVR call, a web payment, or a retail location, PrePay is for consumers to be able to pay bills where and when they want.

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Pre-Pay Is Seamless

PrePay Is Seamless

Smart Meter and related networks make PrePay a seamless, customer experience-improving application.

Consumers get real-time feedback via their smartphone, text, or email notifications on their consumption allowing them to take action and conserve energy and their hard-earned dollars.

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Video: “Why We’re Excited About PayGo”

– Liz Coyle of GeorgiaWatch

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Utilities Win

Utilities Win

Happier customers equal a healthy business and workforce. Lower operational costs. Reduced consumption leverages existing infrastructure and defers future capital expenditure.

The Environment Wins

PrePay has demonstrated 10% reduction in utility usage. That means fewer power plants and reduced pressure on infrastructure. Customers who manage their consumption benefit the world we all share.

Why PayGo

Why PayGo

From the meter to collection, PayGo manages the entire process for utilities. No other company has the industry know-how and experience to make sure PrePay implementation is as seamless and reliable as PayGo.

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What People Are Saying About PayGo

Ronnie Noble

“The number one thing customers like about PrePay is the ability to have control over their power bill and to be able to pay when they want to pay. They feel that’s an awesome ability that they’ve never had in the utility space.”

Ronnie Noble

Director, Customer Service Georgia Power

Carrie Harkness

“PayGo offers a total package that includes billing, payment, and customer notifications — and the solution is flexible enough to meet changing customer needs.”

Carrie Harkness

Consumers Energy

Liz Coyle

“The whole thing is just really terrific to me. What I love is that you’re going to get an alert that says, “You have $10 left. Based on your usage patterns that $10 is going to last you this long because it’s going to be hot.” It lets you actually see that, there’s a visual that goes with it. It takes that Smart Meter and makes the customer a smart user of that meter.”

Liz Coyle

Executive Director, Georgia Watch Consumer Advocate