PayGo, a leading utility consumer engagement and integrated payments provider, announced today an agreement to provide its core application services...
The topics include on-line customer account management, mobile platforms, social media, outage and restoration notifications and updated payment solutions. Mr....
PayGo recently joined the Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (“SGCC””). Their “Consumer Pulse” surveys assess attitudes about smart grid and smart...
PayGo announced today that it has recently become a member of the Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC), a leading organization...
PayGo, the market leader in “real-time” integrated utility payment solutions, and XPAND Marketing + Sales (XPAND), a leading marketing agency...
With over 12,000 votes cast in the final round, PayGo was chosen by SGN that we have the potential to...
Using electricity is often compared to going to a grocery store that doesn’t list any prices on its items, picking...
The utility distribution market is alive and well in North America. Returning from DistribuTECH 2012, attended by over 7,000 industry...